The German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR), both members of AT-One, have the pleasure of inviting the ATM community to join us at stand #931 of the World ATM Congress 2019 (12–14 March). AT-One, DLR and NLR will show how to innovate ATM: The DLR and the NLR will feature Multiple Remote Tower and the NARSIM Flexible Tower and Radar Simulator.
Multiple Remote Tower
Controlling one small airport remotely can offer several advantages such as reduced maintenance and operational costs. To fully utilize the innovative Remote Tower concept however, Remote Tower centers need to be connected to more than one airport. As part of the SESAR 2020 project, the DLR and its partners are currently assessing the conditions under which high-quality ATC can be provided at more than one airport simultaneously. The DLR, the inventor of the Remote Tower concept, will present results of a series of realistic simulation exercises which have shown that “Multiple Remote Tower” is a safe and viable concept for the near future. Get in touch to find out more.
- Demonstrations: all day at the AT-One stand #931
- Theatre Presentation: “Multiple Remote Tower – Bane or Boon?”,
Tuesday, 12 March at 14:15 in the Frequentis Aviation Arena (free) - AT-One is part of several SESAR Walking Tours (Agenda)
Would you like to set up your own ATM simulation platform that fulfills all your training and validation needs? In that case you can acquire a license for various configurations of the NARSIM software suite, exactly matching your objectives. An additional benefit is that a Professional or Developer license type will make you a member of the NARSIM User Community. The NLR offers three different license types for NARSIM and provides hardware specifications tailored to your needs. They can also provide a complete simulator solution including hardware. For more information please visit
NARSIM (NLR’s Air traffic management Real-time SIMulator) is a high fidelity human-in-the-loop simulator that is used by ANSPs and ATM research centres. The NARSIM software can be used in both Radar, Tower and Remote Tower simulators.
- For more information: please visit us at stand #931
- Theatre Presentation: “NARSIM Flexible Tower and Radar Simulator, Remote Tower Implementation in Sweden”, Wednesday, 13 March at 15:15
in the Frequentis Aviation Arena (free) - AT-One is part of several SESAR Walking Tours (Agenda)
AT-One Programme
Tuesday, 12 March
Demonstrations on Multiple Remote Tower and NARSIM | DLR and NLR | AT-One stand | ∞ |
Flight-centric air traffic control | Vilmar Mollwitz / Helmut Többen | AT-One stand (SESAR Tour 1) | 11.00 |
Multiple remote tower module & RTC with flexible allocation of aerodromes to MRTMs | Jörn Jakobi (DLR) | AT-One stand (SESAR Tour 4) | 13.45 |
Multiple Remote Tower – Bane or Boon? | Jörn Jakobi (DLR) | Frequentis Aviation Arena | 14.15 |
Identifying fatigue risks and implementing fatigue regulation at ANSPs | Rolf Zon and Marian Schuver (NLR) | Frequentis Aviation Arena | 15.45 |
Wednesday, 13 March
Demonstrations on Multiple Remote Tower and NARSIM | DLR and NLR | AT-One stand | ∞ |
SESAR PJ.01 – EAD – Enhanced arrival and departures for enhanced rotorcraft operations in the TMA | Helmut Többen (DLR) | AT-One stand (SESAR Tour 7) | 12.00 |
Interval management to simultaneously reduce environmental impact and increase capacity in high density TMAs | Ahmad Bakkar (NLR) | AT-One stand (SESAR Tour 7) | 12.15 |
Assistant Based Speech Recognition and Attention Guidance for the CWP HMI (PJ.16-04) | Jürgen Rataj (DLR) | AT-One stand (SESAR Tour 7) | 12.30 |
NARSIM Flexible Radar and Tower Simulator – Remote Towers implementation in Sweden | David Sancho (NLR) | Frequentis Aviation Arena | 15.15 |
Flight Centric ATC in the Hungarian air space: Results from SESAR validation exercises | Bernd Korn (DLR) | Frequentis Aviation Arena | 15.45 |
Thursday, 14 March
Demonstrations on Multiple Remote Tower and NARSIM | DLR and NLR | AT-One stand | ∞ |
GRADE: demonstrating the ability of GA and rotorcraft to benefit from SESAR concepts | Helmut Többen (DLR) | AT-One stand (SESAR Tour 15) | 11.30 |