Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) become increasingly popular and receive an increasing amount of attention in today’s digital society. This year, the public lecture series “Kolloquium Flugführung” in Braunschweig is dedicated to the challenges of their practical use, in particular of small unmanned systems (“drones”), which the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in its classification defines as “open” or “specific”. The focus of the presentations will be on the possible dangers of drones for other aviation participants, the signal monitoring of the respective remote controls as well as the monitoring of drones themselfs in an airspace.
The Institutes of Flight Guidance of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Technical University of Braunschweig cordially invite to the 2017 season of the Kolloquium Flugführung at the research airport Braunschweig!
Program 2017
21.02. Schadensmechanismen durch Foreign Object Damage (FOD) in Flugtriebwerken
Moritz Wirth (Rolls-Royce plc)
28.02. Holographic Radar and the safe integration of drones
Tim Quilter (Aveillant Ltd.)
14.03. Unifly – Unmanned Traffic Management
Jürgen Verstaen (UniFly)
28.03. Wirklich eine Gefahr für das Flugzeug: Schadensabschätzung für den Fall einer Kollision mit der Drohne
Olaf Ronsdorf (Lufthansa Technik AG)
04.04. Wir haben nur einen Himmel – Drohnen und bemannte Luftfahrt, verstehen wir einander?
Thomas Mildenberger (IFALPA | ECA | Vereinigung Cockpit)
11.04. Signalüberwachung ferngesteuerter Drohnen und mögliche Gegenmaßnahmen
Jürgen Modlich (Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG)